I recommend that every producer have a top 25 strategy This is a specific plan on how the producer will “intentionally” build a relationship with his/her top prospects. Here is a sample plan outline. Remember the best sales people are educators.
To insure that every producer is actively marketing their top 25 prospects, we are introducing this top 25 strategy.
Each producer will provide the sales manager with a list of their top 25 prospects.
Identify top 25 prospects over (you can determine this based on your area) in total account premium
Complete a prospect profile form (key prospect intel)
Obtain a high quality digital photos
Look to identify any centers of influences (attorney, CPA, Rotary, suppliers, etc.)
Develop a chain of contact
quarterly mailings or newsletters
set of four letters to be designed by sales mgr with help from producers
master mail list will be established and sent automatically
Schedule one mid policy term meeting to determine, needs, issues, concerns
If possible set up time table with identified issues
Provide at least three content specific solutions
Visit at least once per quarter
Monthly communication (phone or email)
is a boutique marketing agency based in Gresham, OR. We provide a wide range of marketing services to insurance firms including agents, MGA’s and Wholesalers.
Bob Lilly