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How to Manage the Next Generations

The Baby boomer generation is leaving the workforce at an unprecedented rate. Even with the departure of the Baby boomer generation, employers often have four generations working together in the work force. The Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University estimates that by 2018 there could be more than five million unfilled jobs in the United States. Today nearly one-third of the total U.S. workforce (32%) is age 50 or older. So it will be important to understand how to lead and manage the next generation of workers.

Research tells us that there are five generations in our country. Some may have different names, but for the sake of this short discussion let’s use these:

  • Traditionalists – born before 1945

  • Baby Boomers - born between 1946 and 1964

  • Generation X – born between 1965 -1980

  • Millennials or the Y generation - born between 1981 – 1999

  • Generation Z – born between 1999 and 2007 (the next young employment group)

This article can’t begin to give you all the strategies on how to manage these groups but we wanted to at least give you a few ideas

Leading the next generations will be a challenging and rewarding function for owners and managers. Enhanced technology will enable you to connect, communicate and hire the right person for your organization. View the generational differences as strengths, and it will allow you to bring the best out of your team!

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