As you work through the sales process it is important to develop an understanding of the prospect. Here are a few good questions for you to consider.
General Understanding
How does your company measure success?
What is the biggest issue on your desk today?
What is your CEO’s top three priorities for the next 12 months?
Do you have confidence that you understand and have addressed all your business exposures?
How do you define success in your insurance/risk program?
When tough decisions are made regarding risk, who makes them?
If you could what would you change about your current program?
Differentiator Questions
Does your agent provide a comprehensive safety and risk tool kit?
If you had access to the most qualified HR specialist, it would that be a value to your firm?
Assessing the Incumbent Relationship
How important are long-term relationships with your providers?
How do you evaluate the performance of your risk providers?
What is your assessment of your current risk provider?
What services are you not getting that would enhance your program
Bob Lilly